Monday, June 9, 2008

How to open a restaurant. I've often thought about it--yes even with all of its problems, there is something about having a restaurant I find interesting.

I love to cook.. I would love to be able to make dinners that could truly quench a hungry body..

But where do I begin? I am broke.. I am working two jobs, bills like everyone else. No savings to start something of this nature.. Small? Big? A coffee shop? A donut shop? Fine dining? Hell.. a hot dog cart?! It's got to begin somewhere..
As I think and delve deeper in this thought, I'll keep people posted.
It's a dream, of course. It could become a nightmare if it happens. But it's a dream.


Anonymous said...

how about this, go back intime to 1998 when you can get a loan easy

Don said...

You could share your idea with someone looking to invest. I've seen it work out before. Find someone who's looking to invest. They put up the money, you put up the product, and agree that over a specific period of time they will receive a decent return on their investment at the time that you buy them out.

I know I just made it sound like it's easy, and am sure that it's more complicated than that, but it's not impossible.

Sometimes the people most willing to invest are the people who keep coming back and requesting you to be their server. You don't even have to put it out as a request for a "silent partner." You could just share this dream of yours with some of your best customers. You never know who might bite.

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