Thursday, July 17, 2008

The regular crowd can be so fickle.. so two faced. So hard to deal with.

The good days they are nice as can be.. good tips.. great smiles, good conversation.

And in the split of a hair's notice, they can turn their backs on their server.. turn away in anger or protest, angry about the slightest and most meager of restaurant agitators..

The regular crowd.

They demand attention.. They feel that since "their" seat is always there at the same time on the same night, they deserve the world that the restaurant has to offer. The service has to be perfect. The beer is empty? Immediately another one is expected. Food is gone? The server should be cleaning the plate right away. A moment of lapse for the server and the regular customer will immediately and quickly rear the ugly head.

It's tough to deal with .. That regular crowd.

And you put on your fake smile ..

And you just watch for closing time. Even though at closing they expect just an extra few minutes..

And the owner lets them.

After all, they're regulars..


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