Saturday, February 13, 2010

AND ..this time it's on a weekend. A full flavor of events for Valentine's Day 2010 ..

Perhaps it's worth telling your table, as you serve them, that the original Valentine's Day involved young men would stripping naked and using whips to spank the buttocks of young women in order to improve their fertility.. Maybe it worked.. we're here today. Perhaps the pagans were on to something. Or maybe past popes were on to something by saying Saint Valentine did great things.. or maybe Hallmark and others for marketing the holiday with skill.

Either way, lobsters are about to be boiled, steaks are about to be seared, and men are about to look at bills with eyes wide.

It's Valentine's Day weekend..

If you're so inclined, or just want to plug yourself or you own website, send me a few thoughts, stories, or tales of battle scars from the weekend service.. In the mean time good luck. Look for some thoughts this weekend on the events..


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