Monday, March 22, 2010

..and I ask why..

While I don't want to give names, places.. faces.. spaces, I want to simply put a quick mention that the cafeteria at my day job is a little surprised that a recent price hike scared people away. $7 for a lunch special consisting of a meat, canned vegetable, and typically instant mashed potatoes.. $2.50 for soup that is nothing tastier than Campbell's.. $5 for a tuna sandwich that tastes like it was sitting outside in the sun for days..

And they are shocked..

I did however achieve a recent victory. I was able to convince a cook that include romaine lettuce with the mounds of watered down iceberg they typically offer. When I go there now, though, I feel that unsaid pressure to pick up the salad and get a little bit just to keep the guy happy. I do, too.. Never mess with a cafeteria cook!

But it just makes me shake my head .. I have so many ideas to make this place run better. But hence, by day I'm an office worker, pushing paper without a cape! On weekends I wait tables and fight with cooks. I may as well leave the fighting with food service professionals to weekends, even if I see their business falling through their fingers like sand on a beach..


Anonymous said...

$7...yeah keep raising the price of the food. That will fix all the ills of the business.

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