Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Gas prices are through the roof, food prices are the highest in memory, but a New York City restaurant is offering up a burger for $175.00!

It's made of Kobe beef. It comes with black truffles, foie gras and Gruyere cheese in addition to gold flakes, and the burger shop owner thinks it's a "work of art"..

Guess what. It's a burger.

For my money, or lack thereof, the best burgers on earth can be found at the Jackson House in Harrisburg, PA and the average price there is about $6 bucks.

Really..$175..? The gilded age has returned apparently.

I know, I know, it's topped with Foie Gras (I've talked about Foie Gras before).. And yes, there are wild mushrooms on it. But it rained this weekend and there are wild mushrooms growing at the bottom of my yard.

Life is short. Try everything. But I would argue that a burger costing you $175 in some bad economic times may be the absolute opposite of common sense..

NOW.. With all that said? Would I try it? Minus the Foie Gras, yes. And minus the Foie Gras, it would be probably the cost of a $6 Jackson House Harrisburg PA burger, which I would eat happily any day.


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